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M’Goun Scented Candle
QR120.00 – QR200.00
Wild Blackberry, Damask Rose, Geranium تابغة, الورد البلدي, إبرة الراعي
M’goun is the name of the second highest mountain of Morocco (4071 m). M’goun dominates the Rose Valley known as Kelaate M’gouna. M’goun ‘s perfume is also a wild and mysterious rose. His name dwells in the caves, in the trees and the mountain streams. His perfume is a blend of the bud on the almond tree’s branch and the damp red soil after a storm. His voice echoes in the hot Sahara desert wind. Fields of roses blossom at his feet. His heart beats between the tattooed lines and under the silver bracelets.